Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Days 6, 7 and 8

This week has been quite a whirlwind, to say the least.
I started fitness bootcamp on Monday evening and it was just what I needed. The name of the bootcamp is "Turning Point"'s that for a good name? It sure fits me and where I am in my life right now.

On Monday (Day 6), I paid for a meal for the person behind me in line at McDonald's. I love giving without seeing the actual return...makes me feel like I'm definitely doing it for the right reasons.

On Tuesday (Day 7), I gave advice to a woman staying at our homeless shelter where I work. She was having difficulty finding a job and keeping her head up. I overheard her talking on the phone and could tell she was very frustrated and feeling pretty low. I went into the hallway and asked her to come to my office. I then told her that I'd had a lot of jobs in my life and at one point I hired people. We went over what she does when she's going in for an interview, and things that she shouldn't do. It look all of 20 minutes of my time to talk with her, but I know she left feeling better about her prospects. I hope to hear that she's found a job very soon.

Today (Day 8), I brought home a movie and sat with my girls and watched them my undivided attention. It's rare that I just sit and watch a movie. Usually I'm on the computer, phone, jumping up to clean, do laundry or start dinner. I watched the movie and sat with them with purpose, soaking up this time that will go by way too fast for all of us.

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